Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: Determine the effectiveness of small group math instruction and its impact on student performance.

Objectives/Outcomes of Research:
·        To improve student achievement and learning for all students.
·        To improve scores of below grade level 5th grade math students.
·        To improve collaborative and cooperation to increase academic achievement.
·        To improve differentiation of instruction within the classroom.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Review current research on small group instruction focusing on math.

Carson Baird
August 2013-

September 2013
Literature Reviews/Course Readings

Relevancy to topic and action research plan.
Analyze interpret STAAR assessment data to identify areas that will be targeted for small group instruction.

Carson Baird

 Grade-Level Department

End of August 2013-

Mid September-2014

2011 STAAR Scores



TEKS that students missed 50% of will be identified.

Collaborated with grade level teachers to develop small group activities for the targeted TEKS.

 Carson Baird

Grade-Level Department
End of August 2013-

Mid September-2014
STAAR assessment data

Meeting Minutes

Lesson Plans
Observe teachers in the classroom to see if activities are implemented into small group instruction.

Carson Baird

Grade-Level Department

End of August 2013-

Mid September 2013

Lesson Plans

Digital Cameras
Observation Summaries

Display pictures to share with stakeholders to show collaborative learning through small group instruction.
Create Interview Questions to identify success or problems with implementing small group instruction.

Carson Baird
October 2013-

May 2014

Interview Questions
Interview Question Responses

Interview students and teachers to see how they perceive if small instruction is impacting academic achievement.

Carson Baird

Student Focus Groups

Middle of January 2014-

March 2014


Interview Questions

Interview Question Responses
Teachers will actively monitor assessments and daily work to gain insight as to what TEKS students still need support or if they are improving.
Carson Baird

Grade Level Department
September 2013-

May 2014


Grade book
Data from assessments and teachers grade books.
Math department will implement review stations before Math STAAR testing.
Carson Baird

Grade Level Department
May 2014
Math Manipulative

Resources required for each station.
Students will be required to complete activities for each review station.
Analyze common assessment and STAAR data.

Carson Baird

Grade Level Department
May 2014
Copies of 2011-2012 AEIS report; Preliminary STAAR  Scores

Comparison table to assess areas of strengths and weakness in math.


  1. Carson, I am so excited to see that someone is doing research on small group math. It is just as important as small group reading and for some reason teachers just don't feel this way. One activity I see that you added to your timeline is to observe the teachers to see if they are implementing the strategies in small group. I like this activity. I think I am going to go back to my plan and add this in. I also like the idea of taking pictures to show it in progress. Great ideas!! The only activity I would add would at the end would be a share/recommendation section so that you can share your findings and make recommendations to your administration and teachers. Very good plan and lots of good ideas. Gives me some things to think about and relook at mine.

    1. Thank you for your insight,I will definitely add a share/recommendation section to my plan.

  2. I like how you are using Eduphoria to capture some of your data. I really like that you are looking at 5th grade math. I will keep up with your research. Your timeline looks good. Are you going to collect any other types of quantitative data other than STAAR data (sorry if I missed it)? Good luck!!

  3. Eduphoria is definitely a great tool to use for data collection. Looking at your template gave me some great ideas for revision that I can make to me plan.

  4. Carson, I like your plan. I am in agreement with Kelly add the sharing/recommendations section.

  5. Carson - thanks for your comment on my plan. I was thinking about what you said to me. Could you add parent involvement to your plan? Maybe you could have the teachers of these math students call/email/send a letter home to inform them of this instruction and extra help? I think it would be beneficial for the parents to know that their student is receiving extra help.

    1. Yes ma'am I can add that component to my research plan. I didn't think of it when writing my action research plan. It was until I was reflecting on your plan when that thought crossed my mine. However, thank you for posing it to me, this will help me for part three of this weeks assignment. Thanks again!

  6. As a former math teacher, I feel that small group math instruction is highly under utilized by teachers. Your plan integrates student and teacher input/data well. I also like how you connected the STAAR review stations to the small group math instruction in your action research plan.

  7. Looks great! However do you need to include the research sources that you will be reading up on in this area? Or is that too detailed? Other wise looks great! I also agree with everyone else and their suggestions! I will also keep up with your research, our fifth grade math scores have been low and I would love to see how this works out for you!
